In, website in the menu option «Partner with Us, fill out Form ……. or call us by cell.
Not in any way. Both the submission of the application, as well as the evaluation of the data and your talent are free.
inexorably, since after talking and analyzing your material sent virtually, we will go to a live interview to see your talents.
Remember, we gave you a business card, we don't know about you except what we saw before and after giving it to you ,,,, or from a third party's comment about you and your Talent ... You are the one who should take the second step. Call us.
As long as you are not associated with the agency, all your association, transportation and image expenses are yours.
Absolutely! We are not the Good Samaritan, we do not do this to take you to stardom and not share the cake. In fact, your economic contracts are tied not to commissions, but to a percentage of your economic contracts.
Your website is the first step. * Second step, our Web, * Third, Your networks and our social networks. * Fourth Our Marketing and Advertising Department.
the million dollar question… .. We could NEVER indicate a specific sum, since the Agency is one of representation and not a guess. What we do ensure is that together we study the value of your time for presentation and works. This will give you an idea of what the agency is negotiating for your time.
Totally different for each Talent. Regardless of the genre, the artist, and the professionalism and fame. But it is clear that our investment in you as a Talent or with any other Talent that we want to promote and represent is seeking an economic participation on the contracts.
That is a number to discuss PRIVATELY with Talent and Management .
If you do not find an answer to a certain question please write it below and we will answer it via E-mail